Elias Schwalme

I'm an entrepreneur & product-developer

Some things about Elias:
- Grew up in Mainburg (Germany)
- On the Internet since 2004
- Went to study in Munich and some other cool places
- Played trumpet in the orchestra at the age of 10
- Has a twin brother
- Slight tendency to a overactive superego
- Meanwhile, ...> San Francisco

It's important to do things fast!

- One week is two percent of the year
- When you drive fast, you are focused on the fundamentals; there is no time for nonsense
- Time is the denominator of all numbers
- "Slow is fake"

Smaller teams are better!

- Faster decisions, fewer meetings is the outcome of fun
- Hiring is the best way to kill your company
- No place for mediocre people (we'd rather pay more!)
- It is important to consume people who are in the top over 1%

"theory will only take you so far"

- Large technical projects are more manageable in IQ than they might seem
- A lot of organisations are 2-10 times overstaffed
- Your first 10 employees should ideally your first customers
- High integrity and low ego is key

Some aspects I believe in:

- It's much easier to work on stuff that makes you excited
- For this reason, it may be easier to do big than small things
- Philosophy of curiosity is an unavoidable catalyst for infinite growth
- Energy is an essential ingredient for progress

- New angles and perspectives comes through people and not from drugs
- No reason to fragment the work for political reasons and diversity is not a trend
- Ideas are always a multiple execution until they really become reality
- Smart people do hiking not drinking after a bad day

- Make sure that you win
- Time only scales linearly
- Be a contributor not a consumer

Being enthusiastic is crucial!

- "Most people believe they are better than other people"
- The goal is not to reduce mistakes, the aim is to achieve an uncorrelated level of excellence in a particular dimension
- Unfortunately, the downsides are worth it

Energy is the source of success!

- Where do you get your dopamine from?
- Your answer is a strong indicator of your attitude
- It is better to get your dopamine from enhancing your ideas than to have them endorsed
- It's okay to get your part in making "stuff happen"
- The laws of physical science are the only boundaries

Always happy to chat!
